like my poetry? as oblique and vague as it was, did you relate? i'd love some feedback. what did you understand it to mean? the exciting thing about being all vague is that ppl can interpret your work in a million different ways, making it a million times more interesting for you. and trust me, there is no right interpretation, although im sure there are a few wrong ones. (like: oh, this clearly means she wants to eat a termite mound with her toes)
anyway here's what i wrote for the yearbook (pg 112 for all you AJCians out there)
It's over. JC life is now only part of your memory. But what do you remember? Do you recall the times we spent together? Do you see regret? Do you see things you wish you had done, but never had to courage to do? Are you looking at yourself in this yearbook in your hands and laughing at how silly you used to be? I'll tell you what I see. I see you. I see the promises we made to each other. "Dont forget to invite me to your wedding!" "After the A levels okay?" I wonder about how many weddings we'll all attend. Now is the time we talked about, the fabled "after A levels". Will you still remember my name? Who can say? Only time will tell.
wait, there's more!
here's a haiku i wrote
Startled, the bell rings
Fleeting smile before you leave
May our paths cross soon
and here's the quote
"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone." George Elliot
i wrote in my typical honest, questioning, probing style with a good dollop of nostalgia. something everyone could relate to, something that engaged the reader instantly. good yearbook stuff, something you read that stirs up fondness, exactly what i intended. you like? i'd love to hear what others think of my work so do tell me.
i dont mean to diss them, but look at what the other classes wrote. half of it is gibberish, the other half is so trite and cliche. clearly written with only a few individuals in mind who could catch the nonsense.
"On a chair down the line/ One lazy afternoon so fine/ Rests a vibrating Fat Cat/ All outstretched and relaxed
High above stands an amazingly tall Cheez,/ wtih no little mouse to please,/ But accompanies Starhub man Lewis."
now what the heck did that mean. you'd think they strung up nonsense words to make things rhyme. and that last bit didnt even rhyme.
and listen to this, sounds so cliche.
"How time flies. It seemed like only yesterday/ when five and twenty people of/ vastly different personalities/ first embarked on a learning experience"
ok, like we havent heard that one before.
it reveals a lazy, uncreative mind that would rather used some worn out expression to say something than take time and really reflect on it. i HATE cliches. ok so i used one, but i had to... i was writing for some school thing. schools here dont tolerate creativity. (you wont believe the trouble i had just getting this version through the censors k)
and this one reads like a bad resume
"A mulitfacted and proactive group, our class has talents spanning the fields of art, dance, drama, and music. We are known for our modesty too!"
when they look back at their writing, whoever the authors may be, they are going to go, "i cant believe i actually wrote such crap." it's not going to mean anything!
i deplore the lack of intelligent thought in this here yearbook. so you may be some chao mugger. good for you. go on living in your 2 dimensional world where everything revolves around your grades. even if i tried to tell you what you were missing, you'd dismiss me cause you cant quantify it.
seriously, i blame the gov. doesnt everyone. but seriously, i do.
its a sad sad world we live in when ppl watch more tv than they read books. made even sadder by the fact that they consider Russell Lee a good writer. Even letters to the editor in Today... look like they've never reached the editor, or maybe the editor himself is a real bonehead. Such STUPID things being raised!!! infuriates me! This is why i like art students more than my own kind. prove me wrong science ppl, id love to meet someone i can conduct intelligent but non-farsical conversation with. In fact, im dying to meet you.
Friday, March 12, 2004
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Name: beckyboo
- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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